
CIPPSIPPCCTVDesilting & Hydro ExcavationDewateringInjection Grouting

Specialty Service Info


We specialize in no-noise, low-disruption, damming and dewatering that does not require any big equipment. We pride ourselves on our ability to perform our work without causing any harm to the environment around us.

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Every project manager, superintendent, foreman, operator, and laborer at Nu-Pipe is Level II Sedimentation and Erosion Control Certified by North Carolina State University.  We pride ourselves on our ability to perform our work without causing any harm to the environment around us.  Our belief that it is always better to harness the power of the water to help us, rather than try to overpower the water, has enabled us to dewater areas that other contractors deemed lost causes.

Nu-Pipe possesses 15 Aqua Barriers, which allows us to dewater standing or slow moving water up to 8’ in depth. We also possess three different types of plug systems; standard air inflated plugs, water inflated plugs and mechanical plugs.  Our plug systems range from 12” to 54” in diameter.  OSHA approves work behind the Aqua Barriers and the mechanical plugs.  Nu-Pipe maintains a plethora of pumps ranging from 2” to 10”, most of them silenced.  Our skill, training and philosophy regarding damming and dewatering to allow for safe, environmentally-friendly work are what sets up apart from others in the field.

We are capable of dewatering any stormwater structure in any circumstance.  We deploy our cofferdams, Aqua-Barriers, sump pumps, vacuum pumps, centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps, self-priming pumps, wellpoints, and sheet piles as necessary to achieve the dewatering goals of our projects.  Whether it’s Damming and Dewatering, Bypass Pumping, or Temporary Damming that the project calls for, Nu-Pipe has the equipment and expertise to get the job dry.